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Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Businesses & Students

Updated on: Feb 22, 2024

Digital Marketing is one of the hottest industries today, all thanks to the benefits of digital marketing that has brought in a great deal of change in the way marketing operates.

In this blog, let’s understand benefits of digital marketing for small businesses, large businesses and students which make it a high-income career option

To Know More: Scope of Digital Marketing in India & Globally in 2024

The biggest contributor to the bright scope of digital marketing is naturally the benefits they offer. In this blog, we have covered the top 10 benefits of digital marketing such as:

  • Reaching a Global Audience
  • Marketing to Niche Audience
  • Increased ROI (Return on Investment)
  • Trackable & Measurable Results
  • Increased Social Currency
  • Interactive Marketing
  • Improved Conversion Rates
  • Scope of A/B Testing
  • Remarketing Opportunities
  • Win Customer Loyalty
  • Higher Engagement


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Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing 

Here’s how digital marketing is beneficial: 

1. Reaching a Global Audience but Marketing to a Niche Audience

One of the biggest benefits of digital marketing is that it has removed all sorts of geographical barriers.

You can open your doors to foreign countries and offer your services to customers living miles away. You can market to them with just a click and create awareness among people who otherwise had no chance of knowing about your existence.

We do know that considering a global audience is a very huge number. Here’s where Niche targeting helps us. 

Niche targeting means reaching out only to those people who fit your criteria. This can be done with the help of digital marketing. When you advertise on digital platforms, you can filter out the audience as per the qualities that match your target audience and then run ads.

For example, you can filter the location as India, then further filter them as women between the age group of 25-40 and then further go on to filter them as women who are working.

That is how detailed targeting can get and even further. Thus, it is the most desirable benefit of digital marketing.

2. Increased ROI

ROI, or Return on Investment, is a measuring system used in digital marketing to measure the profit and effect of marketing campaigns or activities. It measures the profit made from the money invested in digital marketing efforts. ROI is crucial for businesses to examine the success of their marketing strategies. The investment in digital marketing is significantly lesser than in traditional marketing, sometimes even 0. 

We consider this as the biggest benefit of digital marketing. In the end, all business activities boil down to the money they require. With the extensive reach offered by digital marketing, the costs are comparatively affordable and not a burden.

Hence, the ROI on digital marketing efforts is considerably higher than traditional marketing. This also allows small-scale businesses and start-ups to make optimum use of digital marketing without causing very heavy stress on their budgets.

3. Trackable & Measurable Results 

In our opinion, any company strategy is a waste of time if you cannot measure your performance. This basically means making efforts in the blind.

Compiling a strong strategy and implementing it is just half the battle. Tracking your performance, measuring your success/failure, and taking corrective steps is the ultimate goal.

With platforms like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, you can track the performance of your digital marketing campaigns end-to-end. 

That’s how you decide what works best for you and continue those strategies and this is one of the benefits of digital marketing that you cannot get in traditional marketing

4. Improved Conversion Rates

As we saw above, with the help of tracking the performance, we can assess where our maximum sales come in from and accordingly target consumers.

Thus, it simply means higher conversion rates as we invest where we are in demand.

In traditional marketing, it is difficult to impossible to find out where the lead got converted from and thus you may be wasting your time on the wrong leads.

But with digital marketing, this can be solved by targeting a similar audience that had the maximum leads converted and is one of the biggest benefits of online marketing.

5. Increase Social Currency 

benefits of digital marketing- social currency

(Source: Turtl)

The benefit of digital marketing is social currency. Social currency is ultimately the presence that you have on digital platforms. It is somewhat your digital footprint. With the help of digital marketing, you can consistently increase your social currency, which means your online presence gets bigger and stronger. 

How is this beneficial? With everyone present online, the more you are visible to people, the higher the chances of your business being noticed. Which finally brings in more sales. 

Like accumulating wealth or currency, collecting your social currency doesn’t happen overnight. With consistent efforts, the increased social currency will reap repeated sales and less marketing effort will be needed. Thus, digital marketing is very beneficial to increasing social currency.

6. Interactive Marketing 

Digital Marketing is all about two-way interaction. Brands interact with their target audience to portray their uniqueness through various digital marketing campaigns. In turn, customers interact, engage, and put forward their interest in that particular brand. Such a benefit of digital marketing is rarely visible in traditional methods. Both brands and customers are aware of their interaction with each other.

No potential brand can know the accurate amount of eyes that their advertisement has attracted and if so, how many are actually interested in their product/service. Likewise, customers with a short attention span rarely keep note of the details on a billboard and enquire with the brand later.

7. Scope of A/B Testing

benefits of digital marketing - a/b testing

(Source: Towards Data Science)

One of the greatest advantage of digital marketing is the ability to test 2 different ideas for the same campaign.

A/B testing, which is also known as split testing, is a random experiment process where two web pages or sites are experimented on simultaneously and shown to two different segments of website viewers. Whichever version of the website is the most impactful is considered as the “winner” and is used to grow the business. 

Suppose you were running a digital marketing campaign and you are confused about the creatives of the campaign. With A/B Testing, you can run both the creatives to 50-50 of your target audience and see what performed better.

This way you can finalize your campaign’s creative based on results and not just your instinct or gut. 

8. Remarketing Opportunities

benefits of digital marketing - remarketing opportunities

(Source: InfoTrust)

With the help of niche and digital marketing, you can send out personalized messages to a similar audience which increases your chances of converting them into consumers. This process of reaching out to those who have shown interest in your product/service or brand via email, targeted ads, and SMS is known as remarketing. One of the significant benefits of digital marketing is its ability to precisely target and reach potential customers based on demographics, interests, and online behavior. 

With remarketing, personalization becomes the key to a consumer’s mind and helps him remember your business.

Email Marketing is the best form of remarketing which lets you formally communicate with your customers but with a personalized message. Often Email Marketing has seen higher open rates and responses than other platforms. In 2023, with WhatsApp marketing into action, brands use Whatsapp as well for their remarketing campaigns. 

9. Better Customer Experience

Winning a customer’s loyalty is the ultimate win for a company. They are the best marketers for your business. With digital mediums, reaching out to customers who are interested or have complaints about your brand is easier. 

For those who are interested in your product/service or have enquired about it, you can use remarketing techniques or provide them coupon codes to convert them into sales.  

Also, brands use chatbots to engage with interested customers 24/7 and answer basic questions to ensure that they don’t shift to your competitors in your absence.

On the other hand, when a customer has complaints about your brand, you have the chance to showcase your sympathy with the customers and also push forward a brand message that ‘Customers are the Primary Focus’. Other than that, it shows that the brand is sensitive to the current scenarios and believes in apologizing whenever they commit a blunder.

All of this, holistically, helps customers build a good reputation for the brand within their psychology which in the long run will convert into repeated sales.

10. Higher Engagement

We’re all well aware of how people are so interactive and active on social media platforms. This gives them a chance to businesses to post interactive content, engage with their customers, and answer their queries.

Customers love when brands listen to them and respond to them effectively. They prefer brands that value their voice. Thus, with the help of social media management and marketing, you can effectively communicate with potential customers and build your relationship & reputation. 

These were some of the major benefits of digital marketing. If you wish to learn more about it in detail and apply it to your business or work in a firm, register for this Online Digital Marketing Course in India which will be your best bet.

And if you want to get deeper into digital marketing, this MBA in Digital Marketing – PG Program can be the perfect start you need. 

Get in touch with our team of counselors at [email protected] for a free guidance and counseling session. 

Now that we’ve seen the major benefits of digital marketing, let’s see how it benefits different segments and people. 

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses 

For all start-up and small business owners, it may look a bit overwhelming to adopt digital marketing.

But here’s why digital marketing is the best tool for small businesses. 

  • First and foremost, the costs that you will have to incur in the initial stages of digital marketing may look big but are extremely less when compared to traditional marketing.
  • Along with being affordable, it allows you to reach a larger audience which is very important when you are starting out.
  • For small businesses, digital marketing helps the connect to the customers directly without any middleman. This gives them the opportunity to create the best customer experience.
  • With small businesses, you are the hero of your own digital marketing strategy. Hence, you can experiment with content and take forward your brand’s story in the most unique way possible.

And most importantly, if you don’t use digital marketing, your competitor surely is and they will swoop in all the potential consumers while you’re breaking your head.

Thus, the benefits of digital marketing for small businesses are equally motivating and you must consider integrating it today. 

Check This Out: Top 8 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses and Start-ups

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Large Businesses



benefits of digital marketing - businesses

(Source: Marketing91)

As discussed previously, all kinds of businesses can benefit from digital marketing. Be it small or large. But the biggest benefit of digital marketing that stands apart for large businesses is the marketing automation processes.

For large businesses, the benefits of digital marketing are a little different from small businesses- 

  • Large businesses withhold large amounts of consumer data which can tell marketers who are interested in the product. With this data, you can remarket to this set of interested audiences and increase sales.
  • Where the budgets are high, you can allocate funds and invest in paid marketing that ensures market-qualified leads. You can also subscribe to top digital marketing tools that automate tasks. A human interface is definitely required but it eases the process and removes the chances of human error.
  • With large businesses, marketers have the liberty to appoint a known face or influencers to be the face of their brand. This influencer marketing strategy has worked for major brands. 

These are just a few of the ways that large businesses can benefit from digital marketing. Apart from this, it is important to consider upskilling your employees in digitalization as it is the need of the hour.

IIDE’s Corporate Training vertical customizes solutions for companies based on their need, requirements, and goals. 

We have trained companies like Cipla, Mahindra & Mahindra, Abbot, Volkswagen, Asian Paints, and more and helped upskill their employees.

Write to us today for a personalized demo.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Students

There is a huge demand in the industry for skilled digital marketing professionals but the supply is not quite there. This is where students can bridge this skill gap and carve a career in digital marketing. 

Even if you are a creative person, an analytical thinker, or both, there’s a place for everyone in Digital Marketing. 

It is one of the hottest career fields and is opted for by many undergraduate and graduate students.

The digital marketing job opportunities for a fresher are very wide and it offers a lot of scope in terms of professional growth as well. 

Thus, if you are a student who’s looking to kick-start your career in digital marketing, you’re absolutely on the right track. Here are IIDE’s short-term certification courses in Digital Marketing. Choose the skills you would like to specialize in and receive training from the industry’s finest. 

Let’s see the perks and benefits of digital marketing careers. 

Benefits of Digital Marketing Careers

Wondering why digital marketing careers are such a trend in today’s digital age? Let’s look at the top benefits of having a digital marketing career-

1. No Specific Background Education is Required

If you wish to learn digital marketing, you can go ahead and pursue it without worrying about your educational background. Your academic background holds little or no importance. 

Yes, it might be slightly easier for a marketing student or professional to grasp the principles of digital marketing, but it does not mean it would be a challenge to others. If you’re really keen on learning digital marketing, all you have to do is apply yourself and think out of the box. 

2. Outrageous Demand for Digital Marketers

Every business is shifting its advertising dollars from conventional marketing methods to digital marketing methods. As a result, companies are on the lookout for digital marketers to help them survive in the market. 

With the demand outstripping the supply of digital marketers, companies are remunerating them generously.

In fact, according to a study conducted by Burning Glass Technologies, 4 out of 10 jobs now need digital marketing skills. This shows that digital marketers are in high demand and it never hurts to learn an in-demand skill.

3. High-Paying Jobs

As we mentioned earlier, digital marketers are in high demand and the supply is low. Keeping this in mind, we all know what happens when the supply of something is low, its value increases. 

Thus, when you apply for a job as a digital marketer you can negotiate your remuneration and expect a high salary.

Check out the top digital marketing salaries offered in India

4. Fast-Growing Industry

The digital marketing industry has been growing at a fast pace because of the benefits we just saw. 

And despite covid, it continued to grow as it has helped businesses thrive in difficult times and re-establish themselves. And further, it is projected to grow at a higher pace.

 The global digital marketing industry is expected to reach $20.9 billion by 2025 from $6.1 billion in 2020.  No other industry has grown so quickly in such a short amount of time. Hence proving that digital marketing is the fastest and best growing industry out there.

5. Better Job Security

If you want job security, now is the right time to equip some digital marketing skills. Because digital marketing technologies will only adapt and advance further. Let’s consider the current COVID -19 pandemic. 

It nearly shut every company and industry down. And to survive in this market, what did the companies do? They adapted too! Companies sped up their digital transformation as it is the only way to communicate with their consumers. 

Some experts have even termed digital careers as a ‘recession-proof career’.

6. Diverse Career Paths

Digital marketing offers multiple avenues for one to venture. Whether you are a fresher or a working professional, you will definitely find something for yourself. 

By learning digital marketing, you don’t just specialize in one skill but multiple skills. Hence, you can choose from a diverse set of career paths like SEO Expert, Social Media Manager, SEM Expert, Analytics Manager, Content Marketing Manager, and more.

7. Entrepreneurship Opportunities

If you wish to start your own business and become an entrepreneur, learning digital marketing will definitely benefit you. You can either start your own digital marketing agency or promote your own business.

By pursuing digital marketing, you can generate revenue with the most cost-effective promotion by targeting the right audience. You can also track your progress and deduce better strategies with analytical tools. 

8. Freelance Job Opportunities

If you know digital marketing through and through, you can start your own freelancing business and offer your digital marketing services to clients. Instead of traveling to work every day, you can work from the comfort of your own home! All you need is a functioning laptop and the internet. 

Many freelancers have been able to carve out profitable careers for themselves and if you think you’re not the typical office-going person, this is the perfect career option for you.

Check out: Top 5 Benefits of a Freelancer 

9. You Can Explore Different Sectors

If you wish to switch to a different sector or want to have the freedom to switch, then learning digital marketing is the right step for you. 

Digital marketing literally applies to every sector in the world. From pharmaceuticals to fashion, from education to service, you name it, the demand for digital marketing remains the same in every sector. 

Digital marketing will help you efficiently apply yourself and build a lucrative career in every sector.

10. Work in a Diverse Environment

In the digital marketing industry, you will find yourself surrounded by a set of diverse individuals having a diverse set of skills. 

By regularly working with a diverse set of people, you will further grow and learn new things from a fresh perspective. 

In fact, working in a diverse environment will help you increase your productivity, and creativity and help you gain a wider range of skills. Hence, you will grow professionally.  

Are you someone who likes learning through videos? Do you want to understand what digital marketing is from a top industry leader? Attend this 45-minute Free Masterclass on Digital Marketing Basics by Mr. Karan Shah, Founder & CEO of IIDE, before you delve into the benefits of digital marketing.

Let’s see the benefits of digital marketing in India holistically. 

Benefits of Digital Marketing in India

Benefits of Digital Marketing in India

(Source: Datareportal)

Digital Marketing has opened endless opportunities in India. In 2023, there are about 658 million internet users in India, where the total population of India is 1.40 billion. In India, the growth rate for overall internet users has been 5.4% as you can see in the statistics provided above.

And with the pandemic, everyone has started adapting to carrying out activities online, whether it’s shopping or ordering food, or processing banking activities to name the least.

Now that everyone’s comfortable with everything coming to their doorstep, it has increased the scope of conducting online businesses in India even more.

And for all the digital marketing aspirants, the digital marketing salaries offered in India are highly motivating and future sought.
Thus, the benefits of digital marketing in India for a business as well as for a person wanting to make a career in it are unending and lucrative. In fact, even the government of India favors everything digital. Let’s see how.

Indian Government’s push for Digital India

Ever since the launch of Digital India in 2015 as an initiative to improve online infrastructure and digital empowerment, there has been mushrooming of a complete market of start-ups, services, and more that connect people globally! 

It has resulted in a rise in active internet users, mobile connections, social media traffic, internet banking, and more.

Must Check Out: Digital Marketing Strategies by India’s Biggest Digital Influence: PM Narendra Modi


That’s all folks! The digital age is here to stay and as a growing global economy, it is important that we use the opportunities to their fullest potential. We hope this blog on the benefits of digital marketing on various fronts has been an informative read for you. Let us know about your views in the comments section below. 

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Karan Shah

Founder and CEO at IIDE

He is a passionate public speaker and teacher for over 10 years. He has trained over 60,000+ students and 25+ corporates in Digital Marketing via online and offline channels. He is a Harvard alumnus specialising in E-commerce......[Read full bio]


  1. Kavita Podar

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    • Mamta Shroff

      Hey Kavita! I am glad you liked our blog and found it informative.

  2. Christine Smith

    Thanks for sharing the benefits of digital marketing. It is highly helpful for anyone who want to go in the digital marketing agencies or who want to start their career in the digital marketing field.

  3. vikansha

    Thanks for such a great full blog. Keep sharing.


    I just come across your blog i found it informative thank you for providing such wonderful information .


    thanku for providing such wonderful information i found it really helpful and gained a lot of knowledge .

  6. George Thomas

    I really enjoyed reading this blog. It has quite in-depth information regarding digital marketing to scale up today’s business productivity. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Logan Torres

    Great read regarding an overview of digital marketing as well as its benefits for continued business success. Thanks for this.

  8. Rijo Johnson

    HEY! I like your Advantages of digital marketing , Overall, Digital Marketing offers a wide range of benefits for businesses looking to connect with their customers and increase their sales. By staying in constant communication with customers, engaging with them at every stage of the customer journey, targeting the right audience, generating leads consistently, and optimizing conversion rates, businesses can gain a competitive edge and build lasting customer loyalty. If you’re looking to take your marketing efforts to the next level, consider incorporating digital marketing strategies into your overall marketing plan.
    thank you for sharing this content with us .

  9. Gajendra Sisodia

    Thank you for sharing such good content. Keep it up.

  10. Sushil Kumar Gupta

    Very nice Compiled Knowledge about digital marketing shared.


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