Previously, we had conducted a detailed SWOT analysis of one of the top beauty companies in the world which is Revlon. Now we move on to the SWOT analysis of Estée Lauder which is another extremely successful company in this sector.
Estée Lauder is one of the global leaders in the beauty market, delighting customers with transformative beauty products and experiences about their individual beauty. Estée Lauder has been a well-known brand since 1946. Its 25+ products are sold in approximately 150 countries and territories.
Estée Lauder’s digital marketing has always been strong and it has played an important role in getting their brand the recognition and success it has achieved over the years. It is extremely important to have digital skills and be up to date about them so that they can be applied at the right time to provide you success. To get such skills and knowledge on digital marketing take IIDE’s Free MasterClass on Digital Marketing 101 by the CEO and Founder of IIDE, Karan Shah.
Through this blog, we will provide you with the elaborate SWOT Analysis of Estée Lauder but before we do that let’s first take a look at the company and understand its history, products and competitors better.