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Is a Masters in Digital Marketing Worth it in 2024?

Updated on: May 28, 2024

Do you want to pursue your higher education and are considering a masters in digital marketing? Is it worth studying for a masters in digital marketing? 

To help you make an informed decision, here’s an effort at breaking down what a masters in digital marketing is, what the scope of it looks like and what are your best options and alternatives. 

So without further ado, let’s understand this. 

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What is a Masters in Digital Marketing? 

A masters in digital marketing is a professional course that is typically 1-2 years long depending on the institute. It is a postgraduation course and thus, the minimum eligibility criteria is a graduation degree. 

In a masters in digital marketing program, all the disciplines of digital marketing are taught in detail keeping in mind the corporate application of each. In addition, equal importance is given to teaching managerial skills and job responsibilities. 

Cracking admission in a masters program is more challenging than certificate courses because this is a slightly professional course and candidates are chosen based on their diligence, capabilities and dedication. 

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Scope of a Masters in Digital Marketing in India 

Digital marketing started out as a value-added skill that was pursued by anyone who wanted to upskill themselves digitally and add value to their resumes. Thus, previously there were only certificate courses and webinars available. 

Today, digital marketing has made its way into higher education. There are abundant credible institutes, universities and colleges offering an MBA in digital marketing and Masters in digital marketing. 

This is because digital marketing picked up tremendously in the last few years and the growth accelerated even further during and post-pandemic. Companies were in dire need of digital marketing professionals. They even have independent digital marketing departments now! 

Looking at this demand, the education industry realised the need for imparting professional knowledge on digital marketing and hence, came in MBA’s & Masters in Digital Marketing. 

The scope of masters in digital marketing in India is very bright with more and more credible institutions making it a part of their offerings. And this in turn also supports the fact that digital marketing as an industry is gaining a lot of importance and growth. 

So, is it worth studying for a masters in digital marketing? 

Yes, it is definitely worth it if you want to carve a niche for yourself in this industry and excel at it. And that’s not all. There are many more reasons why it is worth pursuing. Here are a few. 

Key skills you’ll gain after masters in digital marketing:

1. Strategic Planning: With a digital marketing postgraduate program, you’ll learn the art of crafting effective digital marketing strategies tailored to specific business needs that will expand the business’s customer base with good revenue numbers. 

2. Data Analytics: In digital marketing, one should be super proficient with numbers. A digital marketing postgraduate program will help in analyzing and interpreting data, leveraging insights to make informed decisions, and optimizing digital marketing campaigns for maximum impact.

3. SEO Mastery: Marketing is about knowing what your target audience wants and showing them your business as their ultimate problem-solver. With a master’s degree, you’ll learn advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques that will help you enhance website visibility, ensuring content ranks high in search engine results for increased organic traffic.

4. Content is the king: Knowing what to show to your audience that resonates with them is the ultimate key to developing successful digital marketing campaigns.  With a master’s degree, you’ll learn to develop compelling content strategies across various digital platforms.

5. Social Media Expertise: There’s no denying the fact that social media marketing is a game-changer for anything. With a full-fledged master’s program, one can easily acquire in-depth knowledge of social media platforms, learn how to build and manage a community, drive engagements, and leverage social channels for effective brand promotion.

6. PPC Advertising: Google and Meta ads are essential aspects of digital marketing. Explore different ad formats like Pay-Per-Click (PPC), video ads, display ads, etc., with a master’s degree in digital marketing. Not just this, you’ll also learn to create and manage targeted campaigns that drive qualified leads and maximize ROI.

7. Email Marketing Mastery: As per the reports (by HubSpot) 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months. With a master’s degree that covers every aspect of digital marketing, one can understand the nuances of email marketing with ease. From crafting impactful campaigns to optimizing deliverability and engagement through strategic use of automation, a digital marketing postgraduate program covers all.

8. Innovative Technologies: Digital marketing is all about new trends. There’s a new tool or software that can help you elevate your marketing game. Stay ahead by exploring emerging technologies, and understanding how trends like AI, chatbots, and voice search impact digital marketing strategies.

9. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): It’s easy to run ads and spend tons of money on online ads but you can optimize the advertising budget and generate double the revenue with the right strategy and marketing tactics developed with market insights and numerical data. With a master’s program, get expertise in optimizing user experiences, and employing CRO techniques to maximize the percentage of website visitors converting into customers.

10. Global Market Insight: When you do a master’s program, you get exposed to market leaders, veterans, and experienced faculty who know in and out of the digital world. Acquire a global perspective on digital marketing, understand cultural nuances, and develop strong professional relations to get ahead in your career.

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7 Reasons Why You Should Pursue A Masters in Digital Marketing

1. Professional Approach 

A masters program offers a more professional approach when it comes to learning and practicality of the skills. You are trained rigorously in managerial skills so that you can blend in the corporate world much better and seamlessly. 

2. Higher Demand

With the rising scope of digital marketing and its need in small to large companies, there is a high demand for candidates who have studied digital marketing in-depth and have a more concise understanding of each digital marketing discipline. Thus, with a masters in hand, you become the most desirable candidate. 

3. Personal Mentoring 

Generally, such professional courses intake very few students with very high potential. This ensures that you study with like-minded yet diverse students and this also allows trainers to personally pay attention to each student. One-on-one mentoring is very beneficial in a student’s growth and success. 

4. Mid-Senior Managerial Roles

The best part about pursuing a masters in digital marketing is that it prepares you to take on roles directly at the mid-senior managerial level. It doesn’t require you to start at an intern or executive level. You are prepared to take up such important roles right from the beginning. And the list of roles is vast. 

Read More: Careers After Masters in Digital Marketing

5. Higher Salaries

With mid-senior managerial roles comes higher salaries in hand. Companies are willing to pay higher salaries to professional candidates for their level of work. Here’s a view on the Digital Marketing Salaries in India. Considering masters, you will definitely earn slightly more than the average salary mentioned. 

6. Value Addition on the Resume

If you’re looking to excel overall at marketing, digital marketing is a very important aspect of it. With a masters on your resume, you will definitely stand out because of the exposure and learning you will have.

7. Entrepreneurship Opportunities

This by far has to be one of the most important reasons why you should consider taking up a masters in digital marketing. Such programs prepare for every facet of digital marketing with business in mind. Thus, it opens entrepreneurship doors for you. So you could either operate a full-fledged digital marketing agency or apply digital marketing to whichever kind of business you decide to start. It’s a win-win situation. 

These are some of the compelling reasons why a masters in digital marketing is a good option. If you have made up your mind, you can refer to these MBA Resume Samples in the future when you apply to colleges. 

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Which is the Best Masters in Digital Marketing Program? 

When it comes to digital marketing, you need to look no further. IIDE is the place to be. IIDE is awarded the Best Digital Marketing Institute by the World Education Congress. 

We offer a comprehensive & exhaustive 11-month MBA level Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing

In this course, you will be taught 28+ Digital Marketing Skills along with rigorous training in managerial skills. The course ends with a capstone project which is a testament to your complete knowledge in digital marketing. 

A compulsory 2-month internship and guaranteed placement assistance at top companies for mid-senior managerial roles are just a few of the perks of this program. 

Masters in Digital Marketing - IIDE Students Placement

Mastering each digital marketing tool, learning from industry leaders and experts, working on real-life projects and case studies is surely going to be worth it. 

Masters in Digital Marketing - Tools Covered

1 on 1 student mentorship is something we really take care of to ensure the complete development of students. Get in touch with our team of counselors today to know more about this program and what we have to offer. 

Exciting Announcement! 🌟


In response to the growing demand from working professionals and business owners, IIDE is thrilled to introduce a Weekend Batch option in our Post Graduate Program.


Now, you can upskill with us without compromising your job or family business. 🎊


Join in and elevate your skills hassle-free! 🌟

But if you’re still not ready for such a big commitment, it doesn’t mean that your digital marketing journey needs to take a backseat. Here are some alternatives that you could opt for. 

  • Advanced Online Digital Marketing Course – This is a 4-month intensive & fast-track course that covers all digital marketing skills and tools along with guaranteed placement assistance. This course follows high-quality video lectures + live online sessions + personal mentoring sessions. All from the comfort of your home.
  • Short-Term Certificate Digital Marketing Courses – We have a range of 13+ short-term certifications in digital marketing with a duration of 2 hours to 20 hours, depending on the course you choose. Each course follows a video lecture + live online session format. If you want to freelance in any of the digital marketing skills, these courses can be of great help. 

We hope this blog has been helpful in shaping your future. We wish you all the best.

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Kartik Mittal

SEO Manager & Corporate Trainer

Kartik is a certified digital marketer with a passion for imparting knowledge as a digital marketing trainer. Being a Ex-Performics he specializes in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), ASO (App Store Optimization), and Website Development. [Read more]


  1. Ankit Anand

    Maters in digital marketing is important because they are the demanding skills in future, it helps to do business digital form.

  2. Simran Thakur

    what are the job opportunities after completing masters in digital marketing?

  3. diya

    Great blog. Is masters in digital marketing worth it if i’ve already done a few courses how much value does it add to my resume?

  4. Savio

    Is a Masters in Digital Marketing worth it even after a person has already got good work experience in the field ?

  5. Priyadarshini Nadar

    After reading this blog I can understand that doing a Master in digital marketing course is worth it

  6. Priyadarshini Nadar

    After reading this blog, I understand that a Master’s in digital marketing is worth it.

  7. Uday Makwana

    Pursuing a master’s in digital marketing can be incredibly worthwhile, offering in-depth expertise, enhanced career opportunities, and valuable networking experiences. It’s a strategic investment for anyone looking to excel in the ever-evolving digital landscape!

  8. vrishin prasad

    What key skills can you gain from a master’s in digital marketing? Is pursuing a master’s in digital marketing worth it?

  9. Barun Kumar Dash

    Is the scope of an online MBA in Digital Marketing as valuable as an offline MBA?

    • Reeba Eapen

      Its a great blog that highlights the value of a masters degree in digital marketing and emphasizing skills .

  10. Debanshi Lohar

    Great blog! It highlights the value of a master’s in digital marketing, emphasizing skills, career growth, and opportunities.


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