sujay rachh - Super Session Expert

Sujay Rachh

17 Years

Worked with:

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Explore Super Session

Executive Director - Leo Burnett

In his 16 years of work experience in the brand management and communications, Sujay has worked on a diverse range of brands. He is a specialist of branding strategy in growing the digital first world.

Thinking Brand in a Dynamic Digital Landscape!

  • Thinking Brand in a Dynamic Digital Landscape! 
    IIDE - Indian Institute of Digital Education hosted a Supersession with Sujay Rachh - Executive Director leoburnett
  • The digital landscape is everchanging with new platforms and features being introduced frequently. While it's important to leverage digital marketing to build an iconic brand, it must be done with a complete understanding of the brand's values
  • Sujay introduced us to the concept of Brand Braining. Marketers must maintain a brand discipline while creating a brand world, and in order to do this, brand communication needs to be relatable and consistent
  • Sujay spoke of the Brand Purpose Model by Simon Sinek and emphasized the need for clarity of WHY, a discipline of HOW, and consistency of WHAT. Basis these points he discussed with us case studies on brands like Apple, Ta-daa! barcnd by (YCook India Private Limited) and BRANDCAPITAL, India
  • The session was of great insight into how an iconic brand is built with communication echoing the brand's purpose
sujay rachh