Jaideep Doshi
8 Years
Worked with:

Global Brand Manager - Unilever, leading Digital & Content for Sunsilk
How to build a purpose-driven loved brand.
- Super-Session with Jaideep Doshi, Global Brand Manager for Unilever leading Digital & Content for Sunsilk on Marketing that matters!
- In his esteemed career, Jaideep has observed that brands with purpose and passion for their product have a greater connect with the audience
- He elaborated on the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek and said that for a brand to move towards purpose driven marketing, they need to exactly realise what they do, how do they do it, and why they do what they do. This sets the foundation for the company and how they want to position themselves in the market
- He showed some hard hitting advertising campaigns of brands like Rin, Red Label, Surf Excel, and others such Dove & Sunsilk