Previously we had written about SWOT Analysis of APAR Industries. Here, we will take a closer look at the SWOT Analysis of Wikipedia.
In the present year 2021, Wikipedia is the world’s 3rd most visited site. Wikipedia is ranked 13th among the world’s most popular websites by the Economist publication. The company offers its information for free and does not display advertisements.
Wikipedia is the largest information encyclopedia in the world, with over 6.3 million articles in the English language. Wikipedia marketing for Digital Marketers is a good platform as well as a valuable business, with Wikipedia being the most favoured source of knowledge in the current environment. To know more about ongoing marketing scenarios – join Free MasterClass on Digital Marketing 101 by Karan Shah who is the CEO and Founder of IIDE.
Let us jump onto the deep description of Wikipedia and learn more about how it managed to survive with all the challenges, opportunities through its strength with the help of SWOT analysis. Before we get started, let’s have a look at Wikipedia itself, its history, services it provides, present position, and competitors.