Last time we elaborated on the SWOT Analysis of the world’s most famous social media messaging application WhatsApp. This time, we will tackle the SWOT Analysis of Linkedin in-depth.
Linkedin is used by over 775 million people in the world in over 200 countries & territories. Linkedin is not like any other social media where we’ll post what we are doing in normal life, its purpose is to provide people with a platform where they can share their professional life as well as their academic achievements.
LinkedIn has done a great job and created high brand awareness with the help of its digital ad campaigns. Digital marketing now has become an essential part of every business. If you want to learn more about digital marketing do check our Free Digital Marketing Masterclass by Karan Shah the founder and CEO of IIDE.
So, in this case, study, we will learn about the SWOT analysis of Linkedin. Let’s get started.