Previously we saw SWOT Analysis of Body Shop, this time we will look at the SWOT analysis of Godrej Consumer Products Limited.
Godrej Consumer Products Limited Company is a leading consumer goods company in India. The company operates in personal and household care products in the domestic and international markets. The name of the company is known by the surname of the company founder itself. Godrej company turnover of FY2020 is 54.74 mentions the value in billion Indian rupees.
Godrej has created a strong brand identity and visibility with the help of proper marketing. In today’s corporate world marketing is an effective tool that can change the picture of a brand. To learn more about marketing and its digital aspect, do check out Free Digital Marketing Masterclass by Karan Shah the CEO and the founder of IIDE.
To better understand the reasons behind the success of Godrej and its expansion in various sectors, let’s look at the SWOT analysis of Godrej Consumer Products Limited.