A Beginner’s Guide to Media Planning and Buying with Steps, Scope, Importance & Examples

If you have ever been confused about Media Planning as a concept, you have stumbled into the right blog!

Let’s take Mcdonald’s as an example. You must have come across multiple McDonald’s billboards while driving on roads. Take a look below if you haven’t seen them. 

Media Planning - McDonald's Example

What McDonald’s did brilliantly was placed such billboards to give directions to the travelers to the nearest McDonald store. And these creative directions on the billboard were formed in such a way, that they fulfilled the McDonald’s logo.

The communication on the ad was so creative and eye-catchy because of their brand colors, Red and Yellow which also make it easy for people to resonate with McDonald’s. While the communication on such ads is usually well thought out, their placement is what makes the campaigns a success. If you came across the directions while surfing Instagram, it wouldn’t make any sense since you’re not driving. 

This campaign is the best example of media planning used correctly.

For the successful execution of an advertising campaign, a company’s Creative Strategy and Media Strategy need to go hand in hand. 

Not keeping this in mind will simply lead to you showing your ads to people who have never or might never show interest in the product or service you have to offer. The ads have to be designed and placed strategically in front of the right audiences, and that is what Media planning and Media Buying are all about.

Also Check Out: Tips to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

But, what exactly is meant by Media Planning?

Simply put, Media Planning is the process of identifying and selecting the right media outlets.  Media Planning helps in deciding whether you should opt for online advertising through Youtube or Facebook or traditional advertising like newspapers or television. Media Planning also helps in deciding the kind of content that should go out to a particular audience. 

It is nothing but the proposed Media Strategy that when executed can yield the most optimum results. Being able to choose the right channels for a particular campaign is one of the most crucial elements of Media Planning. 

Let’s take a look at this media planning example.

Say you have a brand that sells custom-made handbags online. Now, where do you think your ads would perform better: on a formal and professional platform like Linkedin or creative platforms like Pinterest or Instagram? 

Well, the answer is pretty obvious: Instagram. LinkedIn is primarily a B2B platform whereas Instagram or Pinterest are more consumer-friendly. So, running Brand Awareness Ads on a platform like Linkedin can be a waste of marketing efforts and it may even lead to poor return on investments. 

Media Planning is that component of digital marketing that’s going to help you decide which product or service should be marketed on which platform. 

What is Media Buying?

Media Buying is the process of buying media placements for advertising across several channels. Whether it is on TV, in publications, on the radio, or on other websites alike. Achieving the highest reach at the lowest possible cost is the primary objective of media buying.

Negotiating the price of media on behalf of their client is one of the many skills that Media Buyers possess. Media Buying usually starts where Media Planning ends. However, at times buyers can also act as planners. It is a Media Buyer’s responsibility to find the best vendors in line with the media plan.

Kartik Mittal

SEO Manager & Corporate Trainer

Updated on: Oct 11, 2024

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Kartik Mittal


SEO Manager & Corporate Trainer

Kartik is a certified digital marketer with a passion for imparting knowledge as a digital marketing trainer. Being a Ex-Performics he specializes in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), ASO (App Store Optimization), and Website Development.