Digital marketing can be defined as a strategy for promoting and offering goods and services online. To build relationships with clients, it employs a variety of internet venues. The least expensive method of Internet product promotion is digital marketing. It can be simpler to find career opportunities, learn about the most recent business trends, find a support network, and gather feedback on your digital marketing projects and endeavours if you have a strong network of other digital marketers. It’s always a good idea to further your digital marketing education, regardless of whether you’re looking for work or want to become more professional in your current position. By doing this, you might build up your resume, earn more money, and get more exposure to organizations’ changing needs. Given the variety of functions within digital marketing, salaries in the field can vary considerably between positions, businesses, and industries.
It is essential because it enables your business to increase sales and get the perfect target niche. Digital marketing salaries can vary from one role, company, or industry to another, especially considering the range of functions within digital marketing Highest salary you can receive in digital marketing in Depok is Rp13,000,000 – Rp15,000,000 per month plus bonuses which companies provide accordingly.

(Source: Glassdoor)