Target Audience
Though Bewakoof is not very picky, its target audience is still primarily people belonging to the age group of 16-24 years. This can include students, working professionals or entrepreneurs who are more or less financially stable. The secondary and tertiary target audience includes people from the age groups of 24-34 and 34-50 respectively.
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps improve rankings on search engine ranking pages. In order to have a good organic ranking, it is important for that brand to have a very well functioning SEO strategy. On analyzing Bewakoof’s SEO strategy, only one issue was found and that is backlinks. The brand’s website did not seem to have enough quality backlinks which affects its domain credibility.
Social Media and Content
Bewakoof is today butting heads with its fellow competitors Ultykhopdi and The Souled Store.
Bewakoof, however, is way ahead if social media followers are to be compared.
Where Ultykhopdi has 21K Facebook followers, 8K Instagram followers and just 242 Twitter followers.
The Souled Store has a much better social profile than Ultykhopdi with 1.1M Facebook followers, 239k Insta followers, and a considerable 365 Twitter followers., though, leads them all with as high as 4.6M Facebook followers, 581k on Instagram and even it’s Twitter handle have a massive 10.6K followers.
The huge difference is followers is due to the creative and varied posts Bewakoof uploads on its different social media pages. However, its competitors have been using the same posts on different social media platforms. This brings in to notice how good Bewakoof’s marketing strategy is and it can easily be seen by their online presence.
The only problem with’s social media pages is that due to the frequency at which they post memes (5 a week), it can sometimes feel like a meme page rather than a page for a startup that sells clothing and merch.
Social Media Campaigns
After Marvel released their first trailer for Avengers 4, Bewakoof came up with a social media campaign “SAVE THE BILLIONAIRE”. This campaign gave people a chance to submit #MyDorkyIdea to save Tony Starks and bring him back to planet earth. The campaign came with a tagline “Help Potts save Tony Before He Rots”. This generated a lot of interest from people to come forth with their quirky ideas and get some surprise from the brand.
Another part of this campaign included influencers reviewing the brand’s clothing in the #24hourchallenge and upload their reviews to engage their followers and get more people to know about the brand and its quality products.
A different campaign was Bewakoof anonymously posting riddles where people had to guess the brand name. the winners then got some super offers from the brand. This campaign ran under the secret Santa theme.
Social Media and Google ads
Every brand that knows how to grow invests in both social media advertisements as well as Google ads. These ads make easier for the brand to grow at a faster and smoother pace. These ads can also include keywords like merch, online shopping, fandom t-shirts, affordable clothing, etc.